Andres Solimano
Andrés Solimano, a Chilean-Italian national, holds a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is currently Regional Advisor at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. He was at the World Bank in Washington DC for 10 years where he held positions of Director, Country Management Department, for Andean Countries (Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela) and Economic Advisor, Macroeconomics and Growth Division, Economics Research Group. Mr. Solimano was also Executive Director for Chile and Ecuador at the Boards of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), and Representative of Chile at the Donors Committee of the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) in Washington, D.C. Mr. Solimano was the Chairman of the Programming Committee of the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB.
Mario Gutierrez
Dr. Gutierrez holds a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Chicago, US. He has more than 30 years of professional experience working with developing and poor countries. He works as consultant for the World Bank and as macro fiscal expert for the International Monetary Fund in Africa and Latin America. He was macro fiscal advisor for the IMF for East Africa. He worked for the Institute of International Finance and International Monetary Fund in Washington DC, and the Central Bank of Chile. He has taught developing economics at Georgetown University and George Washington University in Washington DC, and Sciences-Po and American University in Paris. He has written research on developing countries for the World Bank and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. He was born in Chile. He speaks Spanish, English, and French.

Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid
PhD, Universidad de Cambridge; Maestro en Economía, CIDE; Licenciado en Matemáticas, UNAM.
Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Economía (UNAM) e Investigador Nacional (SNI-II). De 2000 a 2015 Director Adjunto/Coordinador de Investigación de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe en México (CEPAL-ONU), donde se incorporó después de cinco años como Investigador Asociado del David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Universidad de Harvard. Consultor de organismos multinacionales, y entidades privadas o públicas, conferencista en foros globales de funcionarios de alto nivel, legisladores, académicos, y representantes de la sociedad civil. Autor de múltiples capítulos y artículos especializados en desarrollo y macro-economía en revistas internacionales.
Paul Beckerman
I provide consulting services in macroeconomic and financial analysis, including projection, policy planning, and institutional development for financial programming. Since the early 1980s, I have worked on stabilization policy and financial development in Latin America, Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. I have been an independent consultant since 2001. I was a staff economist at the World Bank (1988-2001) and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1985-1988).
Yevgeny Kuznetsov
Dr. Yevgeny Kuznetsov is Senior Research Fellow, Migration Policy Institute (a global think tank in Washington, DC) and a senior innovation consultant, World Bank. Fluent in English, Russian and Spanish, he has been working on innovation, growth and talent mobility for 17 years as a Senior Economist in the World Bank which he joined in 1995 from Brookings Institution. He has acquired a unique perspective on reforms which blends insights of a practitioner (design of technology and innovation projects in more than 30 countries, with focus on BRICS ) and a scholar (more than 30 articles and books on innovation and knowledge-based growth).
He is an architect, editor and a key author of OECD-World Bank (2014) book Making Innovation Policy Work – Learning from Experimentation which puts forward an experimental Schumpeterian perspective on innovation policy and institutions. In recent years, he also focused on diasporas of highly skilled as change agents to promote institutional development in home countries and has published two books on that issue.
His recent book (2013) How Can Talent Abroad Induce Development at Home? Towards a Pragmatic Diaspora Agenda brings together innovation and international migration perspectives on development.
Graciana del Castillo (Q.E.P.D)
Manuel Riesco
Manuel Riesco es vicepresidente del Centro de Estudios Nacionales de Desarrollo Alternativo, CENDA, Santiago. Es también miembro del directorio de la Universidad de Valparaíso y ARCIS, y de la Fundación para la Superación de la Pobreza, ambas en Santiago. Ha sido invitado a formar parte del International Advisory Board of the BK21 Programme of the Graduate School of Public Administration(GSPA), Seoul National University. Ha sido Coordinador Externo de Investigación del Instituto de Investigaciones de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Social, UNRISD (2003-2007) y Director de la Escuela de Ingeniería Comercial de la Universidad ARCIS, Santiago (2000-2003). Ha trabajado como consultor para el PNUD (2002-2003) y para el Gobierno de Chile, para el cual integró el Consejo Asesor Presidencial para la Calidad de la Educación (2006). Es experto en políticas públicas y sociales, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con pensiones, educación, recursos naturales e integración latinoamericana, con publicaciones y participación en foros de significación, tanto nacionales como internacionales. También dicta varios cursos universitarios en Chile.
Jean-Marc Coicaud
Jean-Marc Coicaud joined Rutgers University in the fall of 2011. He is Professor of Law and Global Affairs. He is also a Global Ethics Fellow with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. In 2015 Dr. Coicaud was elected a member to the European Academy of Arts and Sciences (Academia Europaea).

Jose Miguel Ahumada
José Miguel es PhD en Estudios de Desarrollo, Universidad de Cambridge, MSc en Estudios de Desarrollo, London School of Economics, Magíster en Economía y desarrollo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Cientista Político, Universidad Diego Portales. Actualmente es Profesor Asistente del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y autor del libro “the Political Economy of Peripheral Growth: Chile in the global economy” (2019, Palgrave Macmillan). Sus temas de interés son economía política del desarrollo e historia del pensamiento económico.

Roberto Frenkel
Roberto Frenkel es Investigador Titular del CEDES y Profesor Honorario de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
En la UBA se desempeña como Director del Programa de Especialización en Mercado de Capitales (UBA) y profesor de la Maestría en Economía, En Argentina fue Subsecretario Jefe de Asesores del Ministerio de Economía y Director del Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ha sido consultor macroeconómico de los gobiernos de Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia y Venezuela.
Ha publicado numerosos libros y artículos en revistas especializadas sobre teoría y política macroeconómica, moneda y finanzas, inflación y políticas de estabilización y mercado de trabajo y distribución del ingreso, con especial foco en América Latina.
Diego Avanzini
Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez and Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). Research fellow at the Information Economy Project, Clemson University and George Mason University. He has acted as a consultant for several national and international organizations, and as professor at the Catholic University of Chile, visiting scholar and visiting professor at George Mason University.
Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Catholic University of Chile, he was senior economist and head of the Microdata Unit at the Central Bank of Chile, head of the Economics and Labor Market Area (FLACSO-Chile), researcher at the Information Economy Project (School of Law, George Mason University), and assistant researcher at the Economic Development Department (ECLAC-Chile).
He has mostly oriented his research to quantitative and applied economics and their links to public policy, with applications to growth economics, talent mobility, entrepreneurship, industrial organization, financial literacy, fiscal behavior in developing countries (Latin America and Africa).

Stephany Griffith-Jones
Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones, Financial Markets Director, Initiative Policy Dialogue, Columbia University; Emeritus Professorial Fellow, Institute Development Studies, Sussex University; Research Associate Overseas Development Institute. Economist, researching and providing policy advice on reforming international and national financial architecture,with emphasis on development perspective, and special focus on development banks. Lead many major international research projects on international and domestic financial issues. Publishing widely, having written or edited over twenty five books and numerous journal and newspaper articles. A 2010 OUP book, coedited with Joseph Stiglitz and Jose Antonio Ocampo, Time for a Visible Hand, dealt with financial regulation. A 2018 book co-edited with Jose Antonio Ocampo is called The Future of National Development Banks. Advised many international organizations, including European Commission, European Parliament, World Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, IADB, and various UN agencies and several governments and Central Banks, including UK, Chilean, Swedish, South African, Tanzanian, Brazilian and Czech.